A Guide To Cardiac Imaging - Page 3

Step by Step Instructions


Step  0 : Coronal localizer to determine patient position.
Li: Liver, AA: Aortic Arch, PA: Pulmonary Artery, LV: Left Ventricle, LA: Left Atrium

Step 0:

Some type of non-gated localizer is necessary for verifying patient and coil positioning.  Often times the default localizer is a coronal image.  The example here shows how the first coronal localizer showed that the patient wasn’t in far enough so the table was moved further in and the localizer was repeated.  It is actually preferable to start with sagital localizers since that will also give you a measurement of the patient’s A-P dimension.  (See step 1)


Step 1:

3 midline Sagital Localizers, gating optional, to verify patient and coil positioning and to locate the ascending aorta.


Step 2:

2 or 3 coronal images through the ascending aorta to get a good idea of the yaw value (base to apex orientation)