
Spin-Echo Imaging

also called RF-ECHO


Initial 90 degree radiofrequency pulse is applied. At time TE/2, 180 degree refocussing pulse (with same bandwidth as 90 degree pulse) is applied in order to rephase spins that have dephased from T2* mechanisms. At time TE, rephasing has occurred and spin echo is formed. Sequence is repeated after time TR.

Typical Parameters:

TR: 200-800 msec (T1-weighting), 2000-6000 (PD and T2-weighting)

TE: <15 msec (T1-weighting), <20 msec (PD), >80 msec (T2)





Related Sequences/Terms:

T1, T2, Proton-density, Spin-density


--> multiple 180 degree refocussing pulses can be applied and additional echoes formed (see FSE imaging), until no signal is left from true T2 decay
--> higher SNR than GRE images because of rephasing of T2* decay
--> Multi-slice imaging can be performed by exciting multiple slices (utilizing a frequency offset with slice select gradient) during one TR period



Pulse Sequence Diagrams:

SE_SINGLE.GIF (5191 bytes) Single-slice spin-echo sequence

SE_4SLISa.GIF (10914 bytes) Multi-slice spin-echo sequence



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